Hand Gun Range
The handgun range is a 20 yard outdoor facility that has a 6 position sun / rain shelter.
This range can be used for practice or competitions by members and invited guests and is a CFO sanctioned range for the use of restricted/prohibited handguns, .22 rimfire rifles, Cowboy Action caliber rifles with low-velocity ammunition, as well as muzzle loading and black powder handguns. Please see the Range Operating Manual for a full list of firearm classes, acceptable caliber, and firearm types that this facility is sanctioned for and it’s available hours of operation.
John Stockmann 226-668-0164 stockbar2@gmail.com
Andy Crawford 226-980-6041 crawford1406@gmail.com
25 yard Rimfire Rifle Range
The Sydenham Sportsmen’s Association has a 25 yard range for shooting rimfire rifles.
This range is also used for Cowboy Action shooting.
Hugh Hunter 519-534-2179 hugh_hunter@icloud.com
100 Yard Rifle Range
The Sydenham Sportsmen’s Association has a 100 yard range for shooting center fire rifles.
To use this range unsupervised, members must complete a 100 Yard Range Users Course or be under the supervision of a member that is 100 Yard Range qualified or have a SSA approved Range Safety Officers present.
This range is also used for Cowboy Action Shooting, Defensive Pistol shooting, Precision Rimfire shooting and various other activities.
Trevor Dollmaier 519-375-5011 dollmaier@bmts.com
Randy Moore 519-375-5275 b2rmcapt@gmail.com
Sporting Clays Range
Newly constructed in 2016 , the 10 station Hunters Clays course has something to offer for all clay shooting enthusiasts.
Starting on the banks of the Sydenham River and continuing along a level graveled roadway, each station presents its own unique challenge.
With automatic trap machines throughout the course, participants can enjoy the time with family and friends.
There are 13 stations available and the course is changed monthly, with different stations being used on a rotating basis. This will keep shooters wanting to return to see what is new each month.
The course is called Hunters Clays as each shot opportunity is a simulation of a hunting situation. As well shot distances are kept to something typical of what a hunter would experience in the field.
Whether you are wanting to brush up on your wingshooting skills for hunting season. Or are an experienced sporting clays shooter, this course has something for you.
Shot sizes of #7.5, #8 and #9 are all suitable to use and ammunition is available for purchase at the club or bring your own.
Guests are always welcome, and you will find that the Sydenham Sportsmen Association is one of the friendliest clubs around.
Want to shoot on a date other than what is listed below?
We will open the course on any given day for a minimum group size of 10. This will be dependent on the availability of volunteers, and needs to be booked with a minimum of 2 weeks notice. Please contact one of the individuals listed below for more information.
To join the email list and receive news and updates send an email to sydenhamsportingclays@gmail.com and ask to be added to the list.
Or feel free to contact any of the following:
- Mike Hunter mshblues@rogers.com 226-668-7587
- John Topp topair@bellnet.ca 519-375-6464
Skeet Field
The Skeet Field is open every Thursday all year. It is also open on Saturday mornings during the winter months ( weather permitting ) Check the club calendar for dates and times.
For more information please contact the following members.
Mike Thompson 519-385-4280 bigmikeyt1@hotmail.com
Dave MacKinnon 519-374-1025 ( text / call ) davemack@bmts.com
Trap Shooting
We have some great facilities here and the trap range is open all winter long on specific Days (check the calendar for dates ) We have two trap fields with Wobble, Doubles and single trap with voice release. A warm-up shelter Clubhouse on the lower trap field with coffee and pop and ammo available. We take great pleasure in helping new shooters with instruction and little tips to make it a great experience. Come on out and give it a try.
Co-ordinators: Jay Murdoch jayrcmurdoch@hotmail.com