Sydenham Sportsmen’s Association (SSA) COVID Safety Plan 

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General Section………………………………………………………..……..……………. Section 1.0

1.1 Scope

1.2 Adherence

1.3 Upon Arrival

1.4 Physical Distancing and Mask Use

1.5 Sanitization of Surfaces

1.6 When Leaving

Range Specific Plans………………………………………………………………………. Section 2.0

2.1 Archery Ranges

2.2 .22 Rim Fire Rifle Range and Handgun Range

2.3 100 Yard Range

2.4 Shotgun Patterning Boards

2.5 Warm up Building

2.6 Trap Range and Skeet Range

2.7 Sporting Clays

Shooting Sport Specific Plans………………………………………………………………. Section 3.0

3.1 Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) and Defence Pistol

Training and Other Aspects of Range Use………………………………….………………. Section 4.0

4.1 Orientation Tours

4.2 Club Level Safety Course, Cowboy Camp, and Holster Training……………Section 4.2

Appendix 1: SSA Health Self Check List………………………….………………………….Section 5.0

SSA Covid Safety Plan 2021-02-22

General 1.0

1.1 Scope:

The SSA COVID Safety Plan was developed to permit opening of the SSA Ranges within the Health Department’s guidelines and recommendations. Anyone who wishes to use a range on the SSA property MUST follow this plan in addition to the Range Operations Manual. There are no exceptions.

If you are using a range that requires booking a time - arrive just prior to your start time and leave promptly after to minimize inter-person contact. Avoid touching surfaces unnecessarily to limit your contact exposure and be aware of the number of other participants on your range so not to exceed group size limits.

This Plan will be updated as needed to comply with public health guidelines. The latest revision will be available on the SSA website under the “Ranges” tab, AND at each range binder where the sign in logbook sheets are located.

1.2 Adherence:

It is the responsibility of ALL PERSONS on the property and ranges to follow this Plan. It is expected that RSO’s at active ranges act as leaders and take responsibility for monitoring compliance with this plan. It is also expected that all shooters on unmonitored ranges protect each other and our sport by following this plan.

There are cameras in all ranges and parking areas that will be checked to ensure compliance. Those who violate the rules will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including revocation of membership. If you cannot comply with the conditions of the plan –do not use the facilities.

All participants on all ranges need to do their part to protect the health of each other.

1.3 Upon arrival:

A Health Self-Checklist consisting of 18 health-related questions MUST be reviewed. The answer to all questions

must be NO for signing in to any range. The Health Self-Checklist Placards will be visible on every range in the vicinity of the sign in logbook. Signing in is now required at ALL ranges and includes your name and phone number, a requirement for contact tracing by the Health unit, AND acknowledgement that you have completed the Health Self-Checklist. On ranges where there is an RSO on duty, the RSO will observe the checklist being used for Self-Check.

*Note - The logbook entry MUST be legible - the name/contact information collected is a new requirement in COVID times.

Use the hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray and towels provided to sanitize the pen, shooting positions and any other common touch surfaces that you are about to use. Assume that another person has just left the area - sanitize it before you use it!

1.4 Physical Distancing And Mask Use:

It is a requirement on our outdoor ranges that everyone must maintain physical distancing of at least 2 meters (6 feet). If 2 meters of spacing cannot be maintained between all persons on the range – MASKS MUST BE WORN – and worn properly so they cover the nose, mouth, and chin.

In the interest of safety and courtesy – masks are recommended to be worn at all times on a range except when a shooter is in the act of shooting. This protects us all.

For Clarity - A shooter in the act of shooting (loading their firearm through shooting and unloading) may lower or remove their mask when they are in their shooting position, at their shooting bench, in a Sporting Clays stand as the case may be IF AND ONLY IF no other participants are within 2 meters of the shooter.

SSA Covid Safety Plan 2021-02-22

1.5 Sanitization of Contact Surfaces:

Hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray and towels are now provided at every range and located near the range logbook.

All high touch or common touch surfaces must be maintained in a sanitary manner. Use the disinfectant and towels to sanitize tables or pieces of range equipment before using them, and sanitize them again when finished. Simply - Sanitize it before and after you use it.

1.6 Leaving a range:

Use the Disinfectant spray and Sanitize everything you have touched and your shooting station. The RSO on duty

and those acting as their own RSO on a range will perform this task before leaving.

2.0 Range Specific Plans

In addition to following all guidelines in the General Section above:

2.1 Archery Ranges (Static and 3D walk through):

The archery practice (Static) facility is limited to the number who can maintain physical distance of 2 meters when shooting. Retrieve only your own arrows.

There are sign-in logbooks and sanitizing supplies located on the Static Range and the entry to the 3D walk through range.

2.2 .22 Rim Fire Range and Handgun Range:

The Maximum number who can shoot at the same time is limited to the number who can maintain physical distance of 2 meters when shooting.

2.3 100 Yard Range:

There are scheduled times when this range is open with a SSA approved Range Safety Officer (RSO) on duty.

Shooting stations will be limited as required so that shooters can maintain physical distance of 2 meters when shooting. It is expected that RSO’s take a leadership role in managing use of the range and adhering to the SSA COVID Safety Plan.

2.4 Shotgun Patterning Boards:

This facility can be used when the trap and skeet ranges are not active.

There is a sign-in logbook including sanitizing supplies located on the West side of the Trap High House.

2.5 Warm Up Building:

This building is considered “indoors” therefore masks MUST be worn at all times by all individuals accessing the building. Use of the warm up building and group size limits will be dictated by current public health policy.

2.6 Trap Range and Skeet Range:

Use of the warm up building will be dictated by Section 2.5 of this document.

Enter by using the driveway on the East of the Warm Up Building. Any purchases or payments must be made through the window or open doorway of the Warm Up Building. No drinks or food will be available.

High touch surfaces such as the scoring clipboard or the trap machine remote must be sanitized prior to another RO taking over.

SSA Covid Safety Plan 2021-02-22

2.7 Sporting Clays:

Use of the warm up building for registration or shelter will be dictated by Section 2.5 of this document.

High touch surfaces such as the trap machine remotes must be sanitized prior to another squad member taking over or proceeding to the next station.

Travelling between stations is considered as on the range.

3.0 Shooting Sport Specific Plans

3.1 Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) and Defence Pistol:

High contact surfaces such as a timer, spotter tags, and the loading and unloading tables must be sanitized prior to

another person using them.

4.0 Training and Other Aspects of Range Use:

4.1 Orientation Tours:

Meet in parking area by 100 yard range and stay physically distant throughout the tour. Use of indoor spaces is

permitted when allowed by public health policy if masks are worn and participants minimize touching surfaces.

The Tour Lead is responsible for keeping participant contact information for a period of at least 30 days.

4.2 Club Level Safety Course, Cowboy Camp, and Holster Training Course:

Classroom Portion:

The Course Instructor / Lead is responsible for producing and following a specific Health Check Sheet and Guidelines for the classroom portion of the training which must be reviewed by the Health Department prior to course scheduling.

Range Portion:

Follow all guidelines in the General Section and the Range Specific Plan components..

5.0 Appendix 1

SSA Covid Safety Plan 2021-02-22

SSA Health Self-Check List

If you are experiencing ANY of the following symptoms please delay your visit AND contact either your health care provider, Telehealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000), or visit an Assessment Centre for testing.

1 Fever?

2 Chills?

3 New or worsening cough?

4 Shortness of breath?

5 Sore throat?

6 Difficulty Swallowing?

7 Runny Nose, sneezing or nasal congestion

(excluding underlying seasonal allergies and post nasal drip)?

8 New smell or taste disorder(s) or recent loss of?

9 Pink Eye?

10 Headache (that is long lasting or unusual)?

11 Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain

(not related to known cause or condition)?

12 Muscle aches that are unusual or long lasting?

13 Unexplained fatigue/malaise?

14 Falling down often? Recent balance issues?

15 Have you travelled outside of Canada or had close contact with

anyone that has travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days?

16 Have you had close contact with anyone with a confirmed or

probable case of COVID-19 within the last 14 days?

17 Have you had a positive COVID-19 diagnosis and are self


18 Are you waiting for results of a COVID test?

If you answer NO to ALL questions, acknowledge the results with a

checkmark when signing in.

Thank You in keeping all of us safe