To ensure safe use of SSA ranges, this orientation tour is MANDATORY for anyone wishing to shoot unsupervised, and to act as range officer for themselves and their guests on the .22 rim fire range, shotgun patterning area, archery ranges, and handgun range (additional Club Level Safety Course required for handgun range use). Guests and members may shoot on SSA ranges if supervised by a qualified SSA member. Existing and long time members are encouraged to participate in this course as a refresher.

Persons who wish to take the Orientation Tour must be a current member of the SSA, and have reviewed and understood the Range Operating Manual as well as provided the acknowledgement sheet form prior to taking this tour (may be handed in at Tour). The tour reviews the Range Operating Manual content covering the independent use of the facilities and the member’s responsibilities as a Range Officer. The course takes approximately 2-1/2 hours to complete and involves a walk-through of range facilities. 

sydenham sportsmen club photo

The entrance to the SSA Property


Please dress for the weather.

There is no fee charged for this course.

Orientation Tour Dates and info: 

Please refer to All Events Calendar for upcoming orientation tour dates

Registration is required and is an asset to organize enough tour leads.

To register please contact Jay Murdoch jayrcmurdoch@gmail.com 519-270-5296

100 Yard Range User's Course

To ensure safe use of SSA ranges this course is MANDATORY for anyone wishing to shoot Rifles at the 100 yard High Power Range unsupervised by an RSO, and to act as their own range officer on the 100 yard high power range for themselves and their guests.

Persons who wish to take the 100 yard range User's Course must be a current member of SSA, have a valid SSA ID Card, have a valid PAL and have participated in the Orientation Tour prior to taking this course. The course reviews the range operations content, covering the safe handling of firearms while using the range, as well as the use of the range flags. The course takes approximately 2 hours to complete, course participants must pass a written and practical exam. 

 Guests and members may shoot on SSA ranges if supervised by a qualified SSA member

Please contact Trevor Dollmaier 519-375-5011 dollmaier@bmts.com

Club Level Safety Course (FOR HAND GUN SHOOTERS)

To ensure safe use of SSA ranges this course is MANDATORY for anyone wishing to shoot handguns at the SSA Handgun Range unsupervised by a qualified member and to act as their own range officer on the handgun range for themselves and their guests.

Persons who wish to take the Club Level Safety Course must be a current member of SSA, have a SSA ID Card, have a valid restricted PAL and have participated in the Orientation Tour prior to taking this course. The course reviews the CRFSC content covering the transportation, safe handling, loading, unloading, and basic marksmanship components of that course along with Club specific content. The course takes approximately 5 hours to complete and involves both classroom and range time. To successfully complete the course participants must pass a written and practical exam, and a Proficiency Record. A fee is charged for this course.

 Guests and members may shoot on SSA ranges if supervised by a qualified SSA member

Please contact  John Stockmann  226-668-0164  stockbar2@gmail.com

Holster course

Contact Jay Murdock jayrcmurdoch@gmail.com 519-270-5296

The Club Level Holster course has a cost of $30.00.  This is required for members wanting the use a holster on SSA Ranges, mainly for activities such as Cowboy Action Shooting or the Defensive Pistol League.   In order to take this course, you must have passed the Club Level Safety Course. This course consists of in class presentations and demonstrations, dry fire practice followed by live fire qualification on the handgun range.

Note: This is not a beginner’s course so participants are expected to be proficient with their firearms and equipment.

Equipment required:

  • Handgun in proper working order
  • Proper fitting holster for handgun which completely covers the open portion of the trigger guard
  • Sturdy belt
  • Hearing and eye protection
  • Extra magazines /speed loaders are an asset
  • This is rain or shine so bring rain gear along with a snack, lunch, and hydration.


Defensive Pistol League

The defensive pistol league at the SSA is not affiliated with IDPA, however, the same rules and scoring are used.

If you are looking to do something different than standing in a shooting port punching holes in the paper this may be something to check out.

Anyone who wants to participate is required to have a holster certification, either the SSA in house course or other recognized certificates. ( Black badge, CSSA holster, etc..)

The group runs practice nights twice a month on Tuesdays, May to September. Check out the club calendar for specific dates and times.

There are also a few matches each year. The most popular is the Hawaiian shirt shoot and the Ugly Christmas sweater shoot. 

For more information or to join the email list   sydenhamdpl@gmail.com

Co-ordinators: Tim Westover  toastgod@hotmail.com and Jeff Caldwell  jrc870@gmail.com

Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS)

One of the unique aspects of SASS approved Cowboy Action Shooting™ is the requirement placed on costuming. Each participant is required to adopt a shooting alias appropriate to a character or profession of the late 19th century, a Hollywood western star, or an appropriate character from fiction. Their costume is then developed accordingly. Many event participants gain more enjoyment from the costuming aspect of our sport than from the shooting competition, itself. Regardless of a SASS member's individual area of interest, SASS events provide regular opportunities for fellowship and fun with like-minded folks and families.

Co-ordinators: Kat McCulloch rkmcc@gbtel.ca and Bill Wattie flycast@xplornet.com

cowboy actions shooting

Choosing an Alias

Every SASS member is required to select a shooting alias representative of a character or profession from the Old West or the western film genre. Your alias may not in any way duplicate or easily be confused with any other member's alias.    

Old West Firearms

Cowboy Action Shooting is a multi-faceted shooting sport in which contestants compete with firearms typical of those used in the taming of the Old West: single action revolvers, pistol caliber lever action rifles, and old time shotguns. The shooting competition is staged in a unique, characterized, "Old West" style. It is a timed sport in which shooters compete for prestige on a course of different shooting stages.

Each scenario, as they are called, features an array of situations, many based on famous incidents or movies scenes, in which the shooters must test their mettle against steel targets.

Spirit of the Game

As the game of Cowboy Action Shooting™ has evolved, our members have developed and adopted an attitude towards their participation called "The Spirit of the Game." It is a code by which we live. Competing in "The Spirit of the Game" means you fully participate in what the competition asks. You try your best to dress the part, use the appropriate competition tools, and respect the traditions of the Old West. Some folks would call it nothing more than good sportsmanship. We call it "Spirit of the Game."

Ontario Hunter Safety Course

This course is mandatory for anyone wishing to hunt. The successful completion of this course and testing enables you to purchase an Ontario Hunting Outdoors Card.

The course includes:

A minimum of 12 hours of classroom instruction as well as theory via Power Point. (over a two day period usually a weekend).
First attempt to challenge the written test.
It enables you to immediately purchase and Ontario Hunting Outdoors Card: H1, H2, A1 or A2 depending on your age and qualifications.
All instruction of course material will be in accordance with OFAH/OHEP standards and code of conduct.
Any firearms and ammunition used for the course will be provided by the instructor/examiner, they have all been disabled and cannot be discharged, in accordance with FSESO/OHEP safety policy.
Students are not permitted to bring firearms or ammunition to the course.
Prerequisites for course:

Pre-registration with deposit.
Students must bring 2 pieces of government issued ID.
Minimum age requirement of 12. Parental/Guardian consent is required for those 12 to 16 years of age.
There is a fee and deposit for this course.


Hunter education program is now available online. Please click the link below for more information.
Ontario Hunter Education Course Online