Welcome to the SSA Store!

Here you may purchase New or Renewal Club Memberships and tickets for our Salmon Spectacular. Memberships and Derby Tickets will not appear in the Store until they are available for purchase, See the Featured section below for which items you can select from.

Salmon Spectacular Derby Tickets

Showing all 2 results

OSSS 2024 Family Derby Entry

Ticket Detail

OSSS 2024 Single Derby Entry

Ticket Detail
Note About Online Payments using Paypal for Credit Cards

Many have asked how we handle our online payments for the items you wish to purchase. We use the services of Paypal, the system is very safe and secure and it also easy to use and you can use with or without a Paypal account. At Checkout you will be taken to the Paypal website, the page will give you 2 options, login to your Paypal account. or use a Credit Card to make your payment.