To ensure safe use of SSA ranges, this orientation tour is MANDATORY for anyone wishing to shoot unsupervised, and to act as range officer for themselves and their guests on the .22 rim fire range, shotgun patterning area, archery ranges, and handgun range (additional Club Level Safety Course required for handgun range use). Guests and members may shoot on SSA ranges if supervised by a qualified SSA member. Existing and long time members are encouraged to participate in this course as a refresher.
Persons who wish to take the Orientation Tour must be a current member of the SSA, and have reviewed and understood the Range Operating Manual as well as provided the acknowledgement sheet form prior to taking this tour (may be handed in at Tour). The tour reviews the Range Operating Manual content covering the independent use of the facilities and the member’s responsibilities as a Range Officer. The course takes approximately 2-1/2 hours to complete and involves a walk-through of range facilities.

The entrance to the SSA Property
Please dress for the weather.
There is no fee charged for this course.
Orientation Tour Dates and info:
Please refer to All Events Calendar for upcoming orientation tour dates
Registration is required and is an asset to organize enough tour leads.
To register please contact Trevor Dollmaier, Cell: 519-375-5011