Local Time
- Timezone: America/Phoenix
- Date: May 28 2023
- Time: 7:00 am - 10:00 am

SSA Orientation Tour
For new (and older) members of the SSA – an orientation tour must be attended before accessing the ranges for shooting activities or taking Club Level Safety Courses.
Date: Sunday May 28th
Time: Starts at 10:00 sharp. The tour finishes at approximately 12:30.
Where: Meet at the SSA clubhouse parking lot. Be prepared to walk around the facility for approximately 2 hours.
Members must bring their SSA ID AND PAL/RPAL.
For any orientation course time/date OTHER THAN ON SUNDAY MORNINGS: Please bring your own eye and ear protection to wear on the ranges if Shooting is active.
Members must download and read the SSA Range Manual before attending the tour.
Jay Murdoch
Trevor Dollmaier