Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Nov 27 2022
- Time: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
SSA Holster Safety Course
Start time is 12:00 pm sharp with a goal to finish by 3:00 pm at the SSA Handgun Range.
Contact Chuck Cannon to register by email:
Details as follows
Bring any handgun with a proper fitting holster and a belt that can be worn externally over warm clothing if necessary. No shoulder holsters or chest rigs. Drop leg tactical, cowboy, IPSC, IDPA, military flap holsters are all fine – basically any safe belt mounted holster.
Bring 100 rounds of ammo for your handgun.
PPE is mandatory (eye protection and hearing protection)
Dress for the weather – rain or shine. The theory portion will be conducted in the range shelter. Dry practical and live practical training will occur on the range proper.