Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Dec 18 2021
- Time: 8:00 am - 11:30 am

Special Event – Reloading Workshop 09:00-11:30
A Special Event Announcement- Reloading Workshop
On Saturday December 18, 2021, from 09:00 to 11:30, there will be a Reloading Workshop held at the Sydenham Sportsmen’s Association (SSA) Clubhouse.
This workshop, with the emphasis on safe reloading of shotgun, rifle and handgun ammunition, will cover everything from the basics of why, to the how and beyond.
Just some of the topics discussed are safe reloading, the basics, costs and economic benefits, why reload, equipment and reloading components, and pitfalls that can be avoided, followed by a Q & A session where the audience is encouraged to share their experiences.
David Fritz will be the lead in this very interactive workshop. Dave has held similar workshops in the past and has offered to organize this one. If you are just thinking of getting started in reloading or you are an old hand at it, this workshop may be for you.
There is no charge for this workshop and is open to SSA members, family, friends and other shooting sport enthusiasts. The invitation is extended to other local gun Club members as well.
This is a NO Live Ammunition or Firearms Event.
Because of COVID requirements, registration is required and of course, due to social distancing requirements, space is limited.
Doors open at 08:00 to view reloading equipment on display
There will be a sign in register for the COVID requirement of indoor gatherings and just like restaurants, theaters, SSA meetings, and other indoor venues, double vaccinating is the requirement
Contact Dave Fritz to register at daveandpat.fritz@gmail.com.