Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Dec 28 2024
- Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Skeet Range Open
Come out for Saturday Skeet at the SSA! 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
New Shooters welcome. Non-members & Guests are welcome as per club guest policies. Yes – everyone is welcome.
In case of inclement weather – the grey / bruce winter blowing snow and snowsqualls kind of weather – we suggest you reach out to the RSO scheduled for the day to make sure the field will be open.
If you have any questions reach out to: Dave MacKinnon or Mike Thompson (Contact info below.)
November / December RSO Schedule:
Mike Thompson bigmikeyt1@hotmail.com 519-385-4280
Dave MacKinnon davemack@bmts.com 519-374-1025
Dean Burleigh dean.burleigh@gmail.com 519-386-6338
John Stockmann stockbar@hotmail.com 226-668-0164
Trevor Dollmaier dollmaier@bmts.com 519-375-5011
Hedgy (Guy) Krisza hedgy@bmts.com 519-477-5608