Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Nov 12 2023
- Time: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Military Surplus Rifle Gathering at the SSA
Military Surplus Rifle Gathering
- Are you a collector of military surplus rifles?
- Have you inherited or acquired a military surplus rifle and would like to find out more about it?
- Would you like an opportunity to shoot one of these well built historical rifles?
A gathering has been planned for November 12, 2023 at the Sydenham Sportsman’s Association Clubhouse. The start time is 11:30. After a time in the clubhouse the group will move to the 100 yard range for a shoot.
You are welcome to bring your rifle to the clubhouse to put on display or to find out more about what you have. No live ammunition is allowed in the clubhouse. Do not bring Restricted or Prohibited class firearms. All firearms will be inspected at the clubhouse entrance.
Non-SSA members will be charged the guest rate of $5.00 and sign a waiver to shoot at the range.
Contact Hugh Hunter for more details by:
Phone 519-534-2179
Email hugh_hunter@icloud.com