Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 23 2022
- Time: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Inter-club trap at SSA
Main AND upper trap field in use today for Interclub Trap.
Inter club trap is a series of nine dates of trapshooting and friendly rivalry with our sister shooting clubs North Grey Bruce and Blue Ridge sportsman’s clubs.
Come out and help our SSA team score more targets!
Any member is welcome to shoot on any of the interclub days. Even if you are not an experienced trapshooter. To qualify for end of the year trophies (bragging rights) you must shoot am minimum of four dates.
Our year end shoot – the “Grey Bruce Open” will be hosted this year by North Grey Bruce Sportman’s club with bbq dinner to follow the day of shooting.
2022 season Inter-Club dates as follows:
1. SSA – April 30th
2. BRSC – May 14th
3. NGB – May 28th
4. SSA – June 11th
5. BRSC – June 25th
6. NGB – July 9th
7. SSA – July 23rd
8. BRSC – Aug 6th
9. NGB – Aug 20th – GREY BRUCE OPEN
for details:
jay murdoch