Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Apr 10 2022
- Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

100 yard range safety course
Completion of the 100 Yard Range Safety Course is Required before using the 100 yard range at the SSA without a club trained Range Safety Officer (RSO) on duty.
This is a new course as of April 01st 2022 for members who wish to use the 100 yard range unsupervised.
Former club trained 100 yard Range Safety Officers (RSO’s) are exempt of this requirement. If you are a former RSO you are “grandfathered” into this program. Contact Trevor to get your sticker and return your RSO Key if you no longer plan to RSO during club sanctioned activities.
For the initial courses space is limited to 10 participants. If you register please attend so not to prevent someone from missing out that also wants to attend.
Registration is required on this website.
Any questions contact Trevor Dollmaier (See organizer info.)