Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Sep 25 2022
- Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

100 Yard Range Safety Course
Completion of this course is required to use the 100 Yard range at the SSA unsupervised.
Registration is online only through paypal, through this website.
Participants must be a current member of the SSA, have a valid SSA ID Card, a valid PAL and completed the SSA Range Orientation tour. This course reviews the range operations manual, covering the safe handling of firearms while using the range, and the use of range flags on the 100 yard range. The 100 yard range course outline is available to download and review on the SSA website under the Ranges Tab > Courses & Training > Download 100 yard course.
The course takes approximately 2 hours to complete, course participants must pass a written and practical exam.
Maximum of 10 participants per course. If participation is 5 or less members, the course will be re-scheduled.
Rain or Shine. No refunds. If you cannot attend last minute, you will be credited for the next (or another) course.
For details contact:
Trevor Dollmaier