About the Shooting Sports Advisory Committee
This important group of dedicated volunteers represents each of the shooting groups in the SSA. They meet regularly and are led by 2 Co-Chairs. This committee regularly reviews and updates our Range Rules and advises the SSA Directors on upcoming activities and projects. An example would be needed upgrades to various range facilities. As well, this group works with the CFO’s office on our regular range certifications.
Shooting Sports Range Committee Contact Information
Trevor Dollmaier
Lee Craig
Mike Hunter 226-668-7587 mshblues@rogers.com
Mike Thompson 519-385-4280 bigmikeyt1@hotmail.com
Dave MacKinnon 519-374-1025 davemack@bmts.com
Randy Moore 519-375-5275 b2rmcapt@gmail.com
Ray Marchand 519-270-8682 rmarchand80@gmail.com
John Stockmann 226-668-0164 stockbar2@gmail.com
Hugh Hunter 519-534-2179 hugh_hunter@icloud.com
Adam Arpa 519-827-7754 arpaselect@gmail.com
Andy Crawford 226-980-6041 crawford1406@gmail.com
John Topp 519-375-6464 topair@bellnet.ca
Dean Burleigh 519-386-6338 dean.burleigh@gmail.com
Marc Lefebvre 519-270-4459 bigbigmarc@live.ca
Jay Murdoch 519-2705296 jayrcmurdoch@hotmail.com
Peggy Millar 519-375-2283 pmillar902@gmail.com
Range & Activity Co-ordinators
Handgun Range - John Stockmann & Andy Crawford
25/50/100 Yard Rifle Range -Trevor Dollmaier & Randy Moore
25 Yard Rim-fire Range - Hugh Hunter
Archery Practice & Walk Through Ranges - Marc Lefebvre & Doug Heighes nuggetlake@gmail.com 226-568-4000
Trap Shooting - Jay Murdoch
Skeet Ranges - Dave Mackinnon & Mike Thompson
Sporting Clays - Mike Hunter & John Topp
Cowboy Action Shooting –
Kat McCulloch & Dave Fritz
519-373-9330 519-374-5541
rkmcc@gbtel.ca daveandpat.fritz@gmail.com
Defensive Pistol (IDPA) –
Ray Marchand 519-270-8682 rmarchand80@gmail.com